Main Menu: Save/Load

Save/Load Screen

On the Save/Load screen, you can load a game that you saved midlevel as well as save and load games to different names.

Saving and loading games midlevel is advantageous when a mission is particularly difficult or long. Saving and loading games to different names is advantageous, for example, when you want to follow one pathway through the game as one user and then another pathway through the game as another user, or when more than one person is playing on the same computer. Click the following graphic for information on each item.

The names box lists the different names of every game that is currently saved.
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Create a new game when you want to save multiple games or pathways under different names.
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Load any game listed in the names box. The game will start at the exact point where you last saved it.
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Save games to different names when more than one person is playing on the same machine or when you want to explore different pathways through the game (by following one pathway under one name and another pathway through the game under another name).
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Delete a game from the names box if you are no longer interested in pursuing a particular game pathway or if the names box is full.
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Multitude of Pathways
You can play through all mission levels to reach the last level of the game, or you can bypass certain levels and reach the last level in a more direct manner. Your choice as to which level you choose to play affects the branching sequence of later levels. At times you may reach a standstill, finding it impossible to defeat your enemies along the pathway you've chosen. In this situation, you may have to replay an earlier level in order to acquire technology upgrades and enhance your vehicles.

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